Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You've been waiting for an overview

Well, you haven't, really. But that's the tie-in to the cheesy muzak that accompanies this photo montage.

The Realtor montage at that link gives you a little more perspective on the property. There is a greenhouse! Plans are in the works to grow kale all winter long. And lettuce and maybe spinach.

The apartment is the first order of business, though, in case our house sells faster than expected. We are tearing off the carport to open up the driveway. The roof will get replaced using a stash of shingles that was already there. Score!

This building has a garage underneath, and what you can see there is now just one big room with a hardwood floor. It was a party room, mostly, built in the 1960s. I estimate it at about 1,000 square feet, which will get carved up into a lovely little two-bedroom apartment for some utterly reliable and gracious tenant.

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