Friday, September 16, 2016


The kids have been all over the map about this move. They'll be okay for a few days, and then I will go to wake them and there are handwritten signs in their room: "NO MOVING!" "We are never leaving this house!"

But the surprise lure of a dog, it is strong. (Parenting hat tip to Richard.)

Janey has been googling all the dogs, and her current favorite is a Bernese Mountain dog.

Elliott was very perceptive: "Mom, do you want a lazy dog? Because Janey and I will be at school, and Dad will be at work. But you work at home all day with the dog."

Such a smart boy. Who spent his book fair money yesterday on a 3-D book about puppies.

1 comment:

  1. To answer his question: yes, you want a lazy, possibly not very bright dog. The smart ones will make you crazy. Trust me.
